6 février 2022

Le club MUN (Model of United Nations) consiste en un jeu de rôle au cours duquel les diplomates-élèves défendent les intérêts des pays ou institutions qu’ils représentent.  Il est animé par MM. MONTEIRO et ROUCHEL.

Nous avons pu, dans ce cadre, participer à FERMUN, une conférence réunissant les élèves des clubs MUN de 39 écoles et 17 pays. Cette conférence Online est organisée par le lycée International de Ferney-Voltaire.

L’édition 2022 a été présidée par la Secrétaire de l’ONU à Genève et le secrétaire général de l’OMS.

Nous avons participé à la conférence FerMun 2022 qui nous a grandement enrichis !

Voici quelques témoignages :

« Participer à FERMUN m’a permis de gagner en maturité et en confiance. J’ai dû faire preuve d’une grande capacité d’adaptation. Le premier jour je me suis contentée de regarder, le deuxième jour j’avais plus d’assurance. » Rosa, élève de 2nde

« Nous nous sommes retrouvés un vendredi soir pour la cérémonie d’ouverture, nous avons ensuite pu faire connaissance avec nos comités. C’était un moment plutôt jovial et amusant. Le lendemain nous avons commencé nos conférences et nous nous sommes plutôt bien exprimés, c’était très intéressant. » Frédéric, élève de 1ère.

« Nous avons adoré notre 1ère expérience en tant que déléguées au MUN. Nous nous sentons changées et accomplies. Nous nous sentons à présent plus capables de débattre fermement et de partager nos différentes opinions. » Vanessa – Perrine – Aude – Katiana, élèves de 2nde

The FERMUN experience

Ever dreamed of becoming a UN ambassador?

The LFL FERMUN CLUB had the chance to live this experience at the beginning of this month. During the 6, 7 and 8 January 2022, we took part in the FERMUN international conference, gathering 39 schools of 17 countries. We spent 3 days together debating, lobbying, arguing about different questions such as the environment, the human rights, Covid-19, Fast Fashion…  

What is the FERMUN?

The FERMUN is a conference gathering many students of different schools in the World, each representing a country in a committee. The purpose of this conference is to allow each student to defend their country’s position on a specific subject as mentioned above. The final goal is to agree on a common resolution which will improve the situation in the world.

How did we prepare the FERMUN conference?

During almost 6 weeks we met every Friday with the MUN Club supervised by Mr Monteiro and Mr Rouchel. At first, we were just training on random subjects to improve our oral skills. But after a few training sessions we really started preparing the conference. We worked in pairs, and we made some researches about the different subjects that had been given. However we also had a lot of work to do at home because one hour a week wasn’t enough.

What happened concretely?

First, we followed a live presentation of the FERMUN concept, which explained the course of the conferences. During this live session we had the chance to hear the representative of the UN in Geneva. Then, each committee met in a call to introduce themselves and participate in small interactive games. Then we went through a lobbying phase to discuss the resolution of the next day. This phase allowed to create some links and to exchange ideas. The next day we participated in a video conference where each country defended its interests through the resolutions and the different amendments it could bring. Each resolution was voted on to see if it would be adopted or not. This process of lobbying and conference lasted two days.

What we liked and what’s next?

We invite you to join us because the MUN club is not just another high school club. The MUN club is THE club of the year, it’s the opportunity to discover how these great diplomats sit at the UN by reproducing it yourself, because yes, each one has their place. It’s the opportunity to be heard, to improve your oratory skills but above all to have fun. Are you in high school? So what are you waiting for to join us?